If you’re here, you likely have a story to tell and a dream of seeing your name on a published book. I’m thrilled you found this website, because helping writers just like you is my passion.
I remember what it was like when I first started out – full of ideas and ambition, but needing guidance on the actual craft of writing. The learning curve felt steep at times on the journey to publication. I created this site so other aspiring authors don’t have to figure it all out alone.
You’ll find a treasure trove of hands-on advice here covering everything from developing memorable characters, to crafting page-turning plots. I share the techniques and strategies I’ve learned from years of writing practice. Think of these pages as a roadmap, showing you how to avoid common pitfalls and take your writing to the next level.
My goal is to help you complete the first draft of your novel with confidence. Or, if you’ve already started writing, to provide the tools to refine your manuscript until it’s submission-ready. This site will walk you step-by-step through:
- Essential fiction writing skills to practice and master
- Brainstorming and organizing a compelling plot
- Creating dimensional, authentic characters
- Writing natural, engaging dialogue
- Using vivid sensory detail and description
- Cultivating your own unique writing voice
- & much more!
I’ll share techniques and together we can turn your story ideas into finished manuscripts you can proudly share with the world. So dive in – and let’s get you on the path from aspiring to published author!
“If you don’t write it, who will know your story?”
Jamie Bowers